Friday, 25 November 2022

Session 61: Calamis, Ithronel 2nd

The group is still at the keep. Colleen talked to Brandybuck and mentioned that she is really angry at herself, as opposed to at Brandybuck. She felt broken and insecure that she can’t even hang on to her own lute, much less keep up with the captor of her sisters. She feels powerless since she can’t even take care of her own stuff. She apologized for her impulsiveness before and offered her help around the keep. Brandybuck hugged her and thanked her.

Garth talked to Elenion. He told her that he has been called by his family. They need his help protecting their home. Elenion noticed he was holding something back, but trusted him and did not pry him further. After telling Elenion he loves her, Garth took off to the north, in his majestic dragon form.

Hazel’s brother Remy has been learning how to mix some simple potions in Kalim’s brewing workshop. He gave Hazel a Small clear glass bottle with a cork stopper. It is a potion of hair change, which Hazel and her brother used to die a section of their hair in a shade of brown, contrasting with their otherwise light blonde hair.

Slarty was tasked with entertaining the children as a ride around the keep, much to their entertainment. 

During their explorations of the keep, the group heard cries to the east, as well as a commotion with wolves. They realized there was a baby griffon in distress, as wolves were attracted to its mother's carcass, lying dead on the ground beneath a tree where the helpless fledgling perched itself. Upon defeating the pack of dire wolves, the group noticed an arrow lodged in the adult griffon's hind quarters, the point of entry largely infected, and the likely cause of death. The arrow seems to have come from the keep's armory.

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Session 78: Calamis, Ithronel 16

Nura notices Elenion’s Sapphire buckler. Scale used to make the buckler came from a Sapphire dragon named Paldret. Shield was crafted by one...