Esmee was devastated by the death of her lover Loreena. Glatur, the guard, still in shock, could only think about burning all the bodies before they also become undead. Hazel continued her efforts to help as many civilians as possible. Her efforts paid off, and she ensured three of the civilians outside made it back to safety. Elenion helped heal them further. Among the saved people was Ms. Ashglade, an elderly woman who offered them to come visit her in town and she would gladly cook them a meal in return. Hazel sent Trillion with the civilians through the “prohibition tunnel” back to the tavern.
Elenion offered blessing Loreena’s body. Esmee was thankful for it, and proceeded to clean and prepare Loreena’s body.
Zannan (and a few minutes later, the rest of the group) ran towards
Merek’s location. On his way there, Nephira and the rest of the crew were
running towards the mansion to check for survivors. Nephira was quite happy to
see the group was okay, and filled them in on the happenings around town. There
had been a few attacks between the barracks and the mansion. A vampire female
was seen trying to get into the Mayor’s house, but Nephira and the crew managed
to stop her.
Most people in town managed to take shelter in their homes.
Zannan found Merek before the rest of the group and finished him off, while Brandybuck & Co. chased another lead but soon came back to see what had become of Merek. They were all devastated to see this, and Brandybuck felt there shouldn’t be any further delays with offering Merek a proper sending. Nephira had everything already in place at the docks for the ceremony. Hazel also offered her respects with a Mariner’s Coin. As Merek’s body burned and the whole boat sunk in the ocean, the sailors sang a farewell shanty.
Elenion gave Merek’s card to Brandybuck (a 7 of clubs). The group headed back to the tavern. Once they arrived there, they saw all the people they had sent through the “prohibition tunnel” safe and sound. Trillion was also there waiting, with food debris in her mouth (Ms. Ashglade had obviously tried to feed her treats).
The Mayor (Darastrix, a red dragonborn), was frantically yelling at people from the stage in the tavern. He was very indignant that there was an attempt on his life by a woman (the vampire that Nephira mentioned earlier), and that now the race would have to be cancelled. Nobody else seemed to care, except for the guards, however it was unclear whether the guards were truly loyal to the mayor, or just going ahead with cleaning up the town out of obvious concern for everyone’s safety. The party teleported the mayor to the streets outside, and proceeded to confuse him with messages. Still indignant, the mayor went home.
This seemed to bring happiness to most people in the tavern, and also got Zix’s attention. He disclosed a few things about himself: that he was never in the dungeons by accident, but merely “observing” and looking for potential new recruits. He then offered to talk to the group privately, about a proposal.
Brandybuck purchased Berisut Club 7 rum for the crew, an offer that was doubled by the tavern staff in thanks for their brave fighting.
The group proceeded upstairs to listen to Zix’s proposal. There was a room in the attic, well hidden, and surprisingly larger than seemed possible for that space. Zix explained that he is the leader of the Ravencloaks and that his organization has suffered great losses over the last few months, due to a contract they accepted from the vampires. They were to steal an amber amulet (which they did, successfully), however the vampires double crossed them, and either killed or turned them into vampires themselves. Now Zix’s organization is severely crippled and he wants help stealing an amber sphere, which he claims will allow him to escape this place with the remainder of his people. The group doesn’t trust Zix just yet, but agreed to meet him again the following morning.
The next day, Zix brings in Ding Ding, a young Aarakocra female, who looks like a toucan. She recognizes the tattoos on Hazel’s arm, and although she is non-verbal in her communication, Hazel detected thoughts of “mother” in Ding Ding’s mind.
Zix proposed Ding Ding accompanies the group while he will wait back at his headquarters. The group again got suspicious, which prompted Zix to want to show them something that he believed could change their minds, as a gesture of good faith.
The group makes their way back to the guard house (barracks and jail).
They are planning how to get to “Zix’s Cell”, which has a tunnel to his underground
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