Thursday, 11 May 2023

Session 74: Cyclonis, Ithronel 13

During the ball, Elenion spoke to her father, he mentioned he was proud of her, and that he trusts her and has confidence in her.

Zannan did the addressing of the peace talks, with each party member’s title. He also brought up the concern of addressing Nidhogg’s agenda, and the importance of figuring out what she wants.

The formal dinner began – a very opulent meal was served. The Council members (including the Twilight Wings) ate at the table, while guards and guests mingled all around the ball room. There were always 6 drow guards standing behind the drow council, while the other 12 drow guards mingled around the room. They seemed to be taking rotations in these tasks.

The Peace Talks began.

The first addressing was done by Drow Prime Sentinel Isilru Zeignat, who said the following:

“Our Empress once had an alliance with the dragon Nidhogg, but that alliance has fallen, and we no longer see the dragon as an ally, as she threatens our empire as much as yours. We also have learned of a threatening individual, who is a shapeshifter, and seeks to sow chaos in all of Arvandor. We believe they once took the persona of an Ascal Olovalur, and that this individual has also on occasion infiltrated our midst and caused irreparable harm. We do not know who this person is, or what their real name is. We call them “the Betrayer”. We do not know their motives or objectives, but we do know they have started gathering an army composed of some deserter drow, vampires, and a number of engineers and their creations – true abominations built only for destruction and pain. Our Empress Nokshei Dyvnek proposed this meeting so that we may find common ground to form an alliance and neutralize these enemies of Arvandor, who threaten all of its people, regardless of their origin. We would also like to request that the barrier between planes be removed, so that our civilians may also have a world to go to for asylum, should the conflicts here increase in severity.”

The Seldarine council replied with their own concerns and requests, mostly concerns about corruption and vampires being out of control.

Regarding the corruption, the Drow said the following:

“What you refer to as “corruption” has been our Goddess Ganassis’ blessing and protective embrace. Just like your goddess Celeste blesses you with sunlight, which as you well know, weakens us, our Goddess blessed us with this protection, because it weakens our enemies. We do not have control over it, or how it spreads, just like you cannot control the sun itself.”

This triggered some further negotiations regarding the term used to address the corruption as not “Blessing of Ganassis”. Another suggestion by the party was to agree on a cease fire between factions, in an attempt to see it perhaps the corruption would recede. Additionally, having cities open at night could allow for Drow to still work at night.

The group mentioned a semi-cure for vampirism, but did not disclose the ingredient used for the potion.

Both factions decided to take these suggestions to their leaders, and seemed favourable to the cease fire, as well as interested in the semi-cure for vampirism. They also seemed agreeable to the idea of joining forces and providing soldiers and ships to help fight Nidhogg. However, getting feedback from the Empresses will take some time.

At this point, Elenion noticed one of the guards whisper something in Evgenia’s ear. Hazel communicates with Evgenia to ask what was happening, to which Evgenia replied: “Talabrina, one of my guards, has been missing for the past 10 minutes, the other guards are still looking for her”.

At the same time, dessert was about to be served - a pastry chef (human female – Lynne Crawford) brought in a procession with a cart that held her most elaborate cake yet, in celebration of this momentous occasion. The cake was covered in a veil. When the veil dropped to reveal the cake, the room fell silent. All gasped in awe, and Lynne couldn’t help but smile, confident her masterpiece was being admired. What Lynne couldn’t see was what had been revealed on the cart behind her. Her face dropped as a symphony of piercing screams cut through the room.

There was no cake – but the corpse of a drow instead. With a dagger of Eladrin military design planted on her chest, and a note written in blood that read (in sylvan): “Take your filth back to Carantharas”. The victim was immediately recognized as Talabrina, the guard Evgenia was missing from her party. She was wearing her sleeping gown (instead of the official ball garb).

This event triggered the doors to the ballroom to be shut. Nobody enters or leaves, until cleared by thorough investigations. The party also successfully defused the situation, avoiding further attrition between factions – go group!

Arelel, the Seldarine Chief of Diplomacy, urged everyone to stay calm in the face of this great tragedy, and that this is a matter that requires cooperation and thorough and careful investigation. Any attempt by anyone to flee this place before providing a thorough interview will be seen as an active attempt of fleeing the scene of a crime, and treated as a criminal act. He proposed that the Twilight Wings, as the neutral party, investigate this incident.

Investigating the body, the party noticed that Talabrina’s throat was slashed. Elenion also could tell that she has been dead for a while, since late this morning.

Hazel detected the presence of what could be the betrayer somewhere to the south, possibly by the docks. Brandybuck and Zannan rushed to the docks and noticed a person who looked like a sailor, but acting strangely, out of place. They then saw the halfling that they immediately recognized as Tin Can extending a hand to this mysterious person. Before Brandybuck or Zannan could do anything, Tin Can teleported them both out of there.

Hazel sent disturbing crying sounds to the Mayor of Multruvia (Darastrix).

A very curious woman at the ball was trying to get as much information as possible (Sybill Blackbriar). She is a reporter for the Arvandor Gazette, and very interested in gossip.

The group told both the Seelie and Unseelie courts about the halfling automaton known as Tin Can, and that the Betrayer is most likely responsible for the murder.

The group also decided on the codeword Omelette.

Hazel made a mental note that a bag of colding would be good to have to transport dragon blood.

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Session 78: Calamis, Ithronel 16

Nura notices Elenion’s Sapphire buckler. Scale used to make the buckler came from a Sapphire dragon named Paldret. Shield was crafted by one...